Sunday, December 15, 2013

John Locke

Trained in medicine, he was a key advocate of the empirical approaches of the Scientific Revolution.

Believed people were born with a Blank Slate- Tabula Rasa and were influenced by Life Experiences


Rene Descartes - The First Modern Philosopher


William Harvey


William Harvey - Human Circulation System

(Harvey's demonstration on how to apply a tourniquet to a bleeding arm)
-William Harvey, an Englishman, accurately described the circulation of the blood in the human body, confirming findings from earlier scholars such as Ibn Nafis
- He also proved that the blood was pumped by the heart
- His findings of how to proper stop blood flow to an arm, shown above, sparked others interest with the human circulatory system.
-This, with the help of a microscope, led to the discovery blood cells by a Dutch biologist Anton van Leeuwenhoek.

Invention of the Microscope - Video

A short video on other creators of the microscope.

Invention of the Microscope - Galileo


(Galileo's Microscope)

- No one is 100% positive on who made the 1st microscope
- Many people get credit for the invention, one person who is credited is Galileo Galilei
- Galileo created a compound microscope in 1625, he called it the "occhiolino" or "little eye"

Johannes Kepler Video