Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nicolaus Copernicus

-Polish Astronomer

-He attended the University of Cracow in order to pursue a career in the Catholic Church

-Copernicus became interested in astronomy when there was a debate on calendar reform

-Copernicus challenged the existing views about science, specifically the idea of a geocentric universe

-Copernicus' theory was that the moon revolved around Earth which revolved aroun
d the sun along with other planets (Heliocentric)

-He also determined that Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours

-Copernicus waited until his death (1543) to release his book due to his controversial viewpoints, On the Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies

-The Catholic Church accepted his idea a theory rather than fact at that time

Nicolaus Copernicus and the Heliocentric Model

 Campbell, Kenneth L. Western Civilization: A Global and Comparative Approach. Armonk, NY:    M.E. Sharpe, 2012. Print.

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